Welcome to SCIINV

At SCIINV we are pioneering the future of healthcare through cutting-edge artificial intelligence. Our mission is to combat the growing global threat of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) with innovative solutions.

Introducing AMRx®, our AI-based prediction tool designed to revolutionize diagnostics and empower healthcare professionals for timely diagnosis and successful treatments with data-driven insights. Join us in the fight against AMR and explore how AMRx® can make a difference in saving lives.

AMR - The Silent Global Threat: Why It Demands Immediate Action!

AMR is a top global public health threat, estimated to have directly caused 1.27 million deaths in 2019 and contributed to a total of 4.95 million deaths. By 2050, up to 10 million deaths could occur annually.*

Factors such as inadequate lab infrastructure, lack of awareness, and stagnation in new antibiotic development have exacerbated the issue. With no new classes of antibiotics introduced in over three decades, the world faces rising treatment failures and increased mortality rates.

*Source: Lancet 2019 (Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysis)

AMRx® AI at the Forefront of AMR Diagnostics

AMRx® is a revolutionary AI/ML-powered tool designed to predict antimicrobial resistance without the need for traditional culture-based diagnostics. This cutting-edge solution offers precise predictions on infections, identifies causative organisms, and provides detailed antibiotic resistance and susceptibility patterns. AMRx® is engineered to reduce diagnostic time, minimize the need for extensive clinical tests, and optimize antibiotic therapy – especially in resource-limited settings.